Learning English through Chinese Fables and Tales

日期: 09/07/2024

To help improve their English, and learn positive values and attitudes like filial piety and perseverance, our school encourages students to watch the animation series produced by the Education Bureau called “An Inspiring Journey through Chinese Fables and Tales”. Moreover, to develop their habits of reading English books, our school recommends students to read an interesting book on dragons. After reading the book and watching the animation series, you can attempt an online reading exercise to see how well you understand the book, fables and tales. Wishing all students to have wonderful reading time in summer break!


“An Inspiring Journey through Chinese Fables and Tales”:




Fanning the Pillow and Warming the Quilt:



One Rice, Thousand Gold:



Yu the Great Tamed the Waters:



“Dragons” written by T. Albert:
